Resolution getting in the way of your fitness success?

written on paper, stop making a resolution for the new year

Only 8% of people will achieve their New Year’s Resolution.  Studies suggestion 80% of resolutions will fail by February.

We read these statistics of failure every year. 

Yet New Years still appeals to us as a clean slate.

We understand that our friends and family probably won’t keep their resolution.  However, the overconfidence effect makes us think, we are different.  But numerous behavior economic studies show us that is false.

I am not trying to discourage you from seeking improvements in your health, fitness and/or nutrition.

From over 25 years of personal experience (and over 10 years as a personal trainer) I want to offer you some friendly advice:

  • Yes seek improvement
  • Leverage the New Year as a mental fresh start
  • Skip the hype (the lose 30lbs in 30 days)
  • Don’t join a diet cult
  • Make it Super Easy

All my experience in the fitness industry has taught me only one New Year’s Resolution will be successful.  Build consistency.  

Photo of a 2021 planner

How do you build consistency?

Keep it simple.  Break down your intention(s)/direction into repeatable consistent action(s).

First identify your desired direction.  For examples we will look at the top three:

  1. Exercise more
  2. Eat better
  3. Improve health


Exercise More

Find something at your skill level that you have access to daily. 

If it is 20 degrees outside and you don’t like the cold – picking a daily jog, would set yourself up for failure. 

If you have to do a lot of prep or go somewhere else – does that set future self up for success?

Don’t just copy the routine of your favorite social media hero’s workout.

Don’t shoot for the moon.  Gradually build positive momentum. 

Err on the side of starting off too easy.

If you are completely new to fitness or have taken a long break – starting with something like 5 to 15 minutes of stretching everyday can be a great start.  After a week or two, you add in isometrics.  Next add in some calisthenics.  If desired your can add some effective, low tech equipment.

Keep building.  But remember to keep it reasonable.  It needs to be something easy you can do everyday.   

Need some suggestions where to start, start here:  Wake up your hips (click me)

Eat Better

Establish where you are starting.  Sit down and review what you typically eat.  

A good learning exercise can be writing down what you typically eat.  Do a little searching on ingredients, sugar, calories can help increase your knowledge.  

You aren’t labeling things as “good” and “bad” – but where are you starting and how could you do a little better.

After you have an idea of where you are starting, look at your intake and determine what is the one thing you can do to make the biggest change?

Is this an avoidance goal or adding a new habit?

If avoidance your task is to make it more difficult for you to mindlessly do.

Conversely, if you want to add a habit – reduce the barriers and make it easy to follow through on the task.  

After you build consistence with your first thing, move on to the next.  Take your time.  If you try to change too many things – it’ll be a recipe for failure.

Play the long game.  It takes time.  But it’ll be worth it.

Improve Health

Pick a component of health to focus on.

Looking to cut back on something?  Make it harder.  Add barriers, something that can be a pause point for you to stop and think before mindlessly following the habit you are wanting to overcome.

Want to add something?  Maybe sleep more/better.  Analyze what are your barrier(s) now.  How could you overcome these barriers?  

What one or two things could you do to set yourself up for success.

Make it easy, practice daily and track it. 


Make your resolution to build consistency first, then chase specific measurable fun goals.  Work on building easy consistency for 2 to 3 months.  After that modify you program/strategy gradually to accommodate your lifestyle and your fitness goals.

Want help setting yourself up for success in 2021? 

We offer a one time personalized written up program – ($150) for details email:

Or if online training is a better fit for you it’s only ($25/week = $99 month)

Online personal training adds an extra layer of accountability and is conveniently delivered to your smart phone via the Simplify.Fitness App

You may also be interested in Deeper Motivation (click here)

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